We create simple yet amazing graphic design products like posters, apparel, notebooks and tote bags for you.

Posters to enchant your walls.

Our Posters are designed to nurture creativity, gratitude and awareness.


What is Printoyou?

A design studio creating products that love you back.
Printoyou is a graphic and product design studio founded to create everyday products that serve as canvases for messages that positively impact you. The name Printoyou is a portmanteau of 'print' and 'into you', reflecting our vision of products that love you back.

Our daily inspiration stems from the mantra: "I expand in abundance, success, and love every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same."
— Gay Hendricks

What's the problem we solve?

Late-stage capitalism is broken. 
Bad actors prioritize mass-producing wasteful products, often made from toxic chemicals, which are harmful to both people and the environment. They perpetuate this status quo by viewing customers as fearful and uninformed, creating products that subconsciously appeal to fear, anxiety, envy, and other negative emotions.

Why is this a tricky problem?

We are being tricked.
Bad actors don’t just exploit random consumer weaknesses; they have perfected the art of catering to them. With decades of research into human psychology, they wield powerful weapons such as planned obsolescence, which makes today’s purchases seem irrelevant tomorrow; over-engineering, which suggests progress through unnecessary complexity; and an abundance of options that create an illusion of infinite choice with little differentiation between products.

What is our solution?

We use their weapons against them.
The work of C.G. Jung and many other important psychologists points toward a collective subconscious that significantly influences our behavior, creating vulnerabilities that can be exploited by bad actors. Conversely, when these weaknesses are made conscious, they can become resources for awareness and resilience.

How exactly do we do it?

Our products nurture creativity.
We create simple yet amazing graphic design products like posters, apparel, notebooks and tote bags for you. In essence, these everyday items are crafted to nurture the best qualities within you: creativity, gratitude, and awareness. They are straightforward yet impactful, delivering a strong message of love. Our aim is to surround you with uplifting messages that resonate deeply, avoiding any resemblance to clichéd “eat, pray, love” imitations.

100% organic cotton.

The medium in the message.
We only offer products that we would wear ourselves or share with our loved ones. Therefore, we use 100% organic cotton blanks for items like t-shirts, sweaters, or tote bags that come into contact with your skin.

Posters to enchant your walls.

A beautiful room changes the mindset.
Our surroundings and the content we engage with can profoundly influence our thoughts and behaviors. When surrounded by beauty and simplicity, we are encouraged to practice restraint and appreciate the significance of art. Creative posters conveying positive messages resonate deeply with the subconscious mind, nurturing optimism and motivation. They possess the power to shape our personal growth and aspirations, inspiring us to take action towards a better future.

We love the idea that "a beautiful room changes the mindset; it teaches restraint and provides art with a frame."
— Maria Varesco

Why are we the ones to do it?

We are fascinated by psychology and design.
Printoyou was founded by a graduate in developmental psychology who contributed to a quantitative research paper on availability heuristics in people. He broadened his scientific perspective through studies in philosophy, the subconscious mind, the relationship between psychology and art, art and film history, and communication design.

We know when to pivot.

We are self-taught creatives.
Our founder financed his studies by working as a self-taught art director in an award-winning German film production. With over 10 years of experience as a product designer, business and UX consultant, he transitioned from large corporations to focus on product design and simple consumer products that foster creativity and personal growth.

We made the case.

We are the living proof.
Being only four years old upon arriving in Germany as a refugee after the USSR collapsed, mastering a new language, culture, and everything needed to become an expert in a creative high-tech niche, the founder of Printoyou is a shining example that anyone can discover and realize their purpose.

Why is our work needed?

Great art inspires.
In a world where mass-produced goods come with built-in expiration dates, products with deeper meaning or original artwork that celebrate life’s beauty become essential. These products remind people of important values and inspire personal growth. Seeing the right t-shirt or poster can inspire you and your friends to take a crucial step toward self-development.

Who will benefit from our work?

Everyone who values ideas.
We create for those who don’t take themselves or society too seriously, value ideas and simplicity, and who seek originality and meaning in art and in everyday products. We support those who are driven to take action, discover their purpose, and embrace their true selves.

Those who recognize they have untapped potential often sense the need to nurture and attend to various aspects of themselves. They will resonate with the statement that "art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable."
— Cesar A. Cruz

Why does your purchase matter? 

Your purchase sends a message.
Sometimes, a small change can make a big difference. A creative and inspiring t-shirt might be all it takes to empower you and inspire others. Choosing our products means choosing to thrive.

Purchasing from us does two more things:
You support a small business founded by a creative person who wants to make an impact, and you vote and act against big corporations with their hidden tactics and subconscious manipulation (trust us, we know their tricks because we’ve worked for them). 

How else can you support us? 

Browse the site, share and thrive.
Printoyou is designed to nurture your creativity and consciousness: every product carries a powerful message that can positively impact your life. Our designs are crafted to inspire you and others simply by their beauty. We thank you in advance and hope you find something that resonates with you or someone you love.